

Assumenda quis aut aut atque dolores eligendi

Dolores consectetur ut quae quisquam consequatur illo minus rem. Porro nulla voluptatibus culpa in sed laborum eos. Excepturi non omnis adipisci saepe mollitia. Et numquam vel quisquam incidunt. Quam architecto ut nihil cumque magnam vel exercitationem cum. Aspernatur in inventore libero aut. Delectus corporis qui eligendi officiis odit ratione earum Aut ullam maiores sint Ad …

Assumenda quis aut aut atque dolores eligendi Read More »

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Sundays are for keeping our ship airtight & We're Seeking Models!

Still get a great haircut when you're our model...

Difference is, we take a little longer as we dive into each detail. Therefore, it's free!


Free parking is on the corner of Fannin and Elgin Street just across Elgin Street from the Interfaith Ministries/W.T. & Louise J. Moran Building.

The same lot is directly across the street from the entrance of the barbershop. You’ll see the sign of the PMC parking lot.

No payment is required. Please scan the QR code on either sign and choose the free 1-hour or 2-hour option.